Thursday, January 24, 2013

100 Days of School

Today we celebrated one hundred days of school!.  The children entered the classroom under our "You are 100 days Smarter sign!" We also had snacks that made the number 100, and counted one hundred Tootie Fruities.  (By the way, they are over 2,000 in one large bag.)  We then made necklaces out of them for our afternoon snack.  After recess, Mrs. Morris came in and we had some 100 themed fun relays.  The children worked in teams and tried to stack 100 red solo cups, 100 pennies, 100 sponges, and 100 words within five minutes.  Then we enjoyed a giant m&m cookies with 100 m&m's on it.  Finally, we had a 100,000 grand candy bar to celebrate being 100 days smarter.  I think I'll go home and take a 100 minute nap!  More pictures are on the our Picture tab.


Donna said...

Glad you all had such fun on the 100th Day! I bet we could think of '100 things we love about Mrs. Hall' very easily. I love being with your class!
Mrs. Morris (a.k.a. Sam's mom)

Donna said...

I'm glad you all enjoyed the 100th Day! I bet we could easily think of 100 things we love about Mrs. Hall. I love being with your class!
Mrs. Morris (a.k.a. Sam's mom)