Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This Week

Finally, some exciting news!  We are going on a field trip to the Georgia Aquarium on February 9, 2012.  We will have to leave early in the morning so...don't get behind on your sleep.  Go to bed early every night next month! I'll send home more information later. Please visit and explore their website to learn more about all the sea life!  http://www.georgiaaquarium.org/.

We also started our candy sales fund raiser today.  Be on the lookout for the sales packett.

Dibels testing was completed yesterday, you will be receiving scores shortly.  I have a feeling they did a wonderful job!! 


Jake Green said...

Mrs. Hall,
It's almost ten o'clock on Sunday night and I'm going to bed because I'm getting up very early in the morning to go to the caverns in Marianna, Florida. I am very excited. I will tell you all about my adventure when I come back to school.

Jake Green said...

Mrs. Hall,
I am getting up very early in the morning and going to the caverns in Marianna, Floriday. I am very excited. I will tell you all about my adventures on Tuesday.